Let’s talk about what we geek about in this house. When we say the word ‘geek’ in craft beer context, there’s plenty of geeking that comes up. Geeking about IPA? Definitely. Geeking about a high level imperial stout? Absolutely! Geeking about fresh beer, good sours, exciting hop combos, balanced beers? No doubt about it.
But often overlooked is the geeking on intricate designs of can labels that enhances the craft beer experience. After all, drinking craft beer is a sensory experience that captures you in different ways, and sometimes what draws us in is the art itself.
As fittingly put by Pete from Garage Project, ‘Great beer art only elevates the experience of drinking a beer’ and ‘…every beer should tell a story’.
With so many new brews coming out ever so often, it is a tantamount task for craft breweries to make sure the designs can uplift the craft beer experience. Often times, craft breweries get independent artists to design the cans or bottles to offer a better and more holistic experience for drinkers. This works well as craft beer is very community driven, as its small and focuses a lot on the spirit of collaboration and empowerment.
Since Covid-19 and racial tensions in the U.S, the biggest examples of the spirit of the global craft beer industry were on full display, with craft breweries brewing up ‘All In Together’ and ‘Black Is Beautiful’ beers to offer their support. Craft beer has come a long way from just being our favourite poison- it’s a global phenomenon that has the power to amplify voices and change lives, with impact way beyond what we could have imagined before.